
    Embedded recruitment - the best kind of talent partnership for junior and mid-level roles?

    Embedded recruitment is a recruitment model that has gained popularity in recent years. This approach involves a long-term relationship between the recruiter and your own company. This may be hiring a recruiter from an embedded talent recruitment firm, who sits inside your company for a fixed period of time. It could also mean paying a monthly subscription to guarantee the availability of a specific recruiter whenever you need them.

    For junior and mid-level roles, the benefits of embedded recruitment are numerous. First and foremost, companies have access to an expert recruiter who has insider knowledge of the company culture and hiring needs. This allows for a more streamlined recruitment process, saving time and money by eliminating the need for external recruitment agencies. Additionally, embedded recruiters can source and analyze data to improve future hiring decisions.

    In an embedded recruitment model, the recruiter works closely with the company's HR team to identify hiring needs, develop job descriptions, source candidates, conduct interviews, and make job offers. This approach allows for a more collaborative and efficient recruitment process that ensures all candidates are thoroughly vetted before being hired.

    Embedded recruitment is an insourced solution that provides greater control over the recruitment process while also offering cost savings compared to traditional external recruiting agencies. There are different models of embedded recruitment available including full-time embedded recruiters, part-time embedded recruiters, and project-based embedded recruiters – each with its own unique benefits that can be tailored to meet specific organizational needs.

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    What is Embedded Recruitment and How Does it Work?

    Embedded recruitment is a model where recruiters work as an extension of a company's HR team, rather than as an external agency. This means that embedded recruiters are fully integrated into the company's culture and hiring processes, allowing them to better understand the company's needs and find candidates that fit well. The embedded model can lead to faster hiring times, higher quality candidates, and cost savings compared to traditional recruitment agencies.

    One of the key benefits of embedded recruiting is that it allows for a more personalized approach to hiring. Because embedded recruiters are fully immersed in the company's culture and values, they are able to identify candidates who not only have the necessary skills and experience but also share the same values as the organization. This can result in a better cultural fit between new hires and existing employees, which can lead to improved employee retention rates.

    Another advantage of embedded recruiting is that it can help companies save money on recruitment costs. Traditional recruitment agencies typically charge a fee based on a percentage of the candidate's salary, which can be quite expensive if used too much. Embedded recruiters, on the other hand, are salaried employees of the company and do not charge any additional fees beyond their regular salary. While it may make the cost-per-hire cheaper, some embedded search recruiters charge up to £15,000 per month per person.

    Embedded recruiting can also be especially beneficial for companies with high-volume or specialized hiring needs. For example, if a company needs to hire a large number of employees quickly (such as during peak season), an embedded recruiter can help streamline the process by handling all aspects of recruitment from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews and making job offers.

    Similarly, if a company has specialized hiring needs (such as for highly technical roles), an embedded recruiter with expertise in that area can help identify qualified candidates more efficiently than an external agency that may not have as deep an understanding of the specific requirements for those roles.

    In addition to these benefits, embedded recruiting can also help companies build a strong employer brand by presenting themselves as employers who prioritize their employees' well-being over profit margins. This can help attract top talent who are looking for companies that share their values and priorities.

    However, it's important to note that embedded recruiting is not without its challenges. One potential downside is the risk of becoming too insular and losing perspective on industry trends and best practices.

    Another challenge is ensuring that embedded recruiters are able to maintain objectivity in their hiring decisions. Because they are so closely aligned with the company's culture and values, there is a risk of unconscious bias creeping into the hiring process.

    Finally, an embedded recruiter is typically one person, which means they will be better at recruiting some functions than others. The solution is to hire more than one, but this also means a +£50,000 per month expense.

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    A brief history of the embedded talent industry

    The embedded talent industry has been around for several decades, but it gained more popularity in recent years due to the increasing demand for top talent in the market. The practice of hiring external talent partners to work alongside a company's internal talent team is known as embedded talent. Embedded talent partners are seen as an extension of a company's own talent function, working closely with internal teams to identify, attract, and retain the best talent.

    One of the earliest models of embedded talent was the RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) model. This model involved outsourcing the entire recruitment function to an external partner. However, over time, the embedded talent model evolved to include more customized solutions that catered to specific talent needs and company cultures.

    Today, there are various models of embedded talent partnerships available in the market. Some companies prefer to have their embedded partners work on-site with their internal teams, while others prefer a virtual or remote partnership. Regardless of the model chosen, success is largely dependent on a strong cultural fit between the partner and the company, as well as a deep understanding of the company's unique talent needs and goals.

    Embedded Talent Partners: An Extension of Your Team

    Embedded Talent Partners work closely with your internal team to create customized solutions that cater specifically to your organization’s unique culture and requirements. They bring their expertise in recruitment strategy development and execution along with them when they join your team. These experts can help you identify areas where you need support or improvement based on their experience working with other organizations like yours.

    The Benefits of Embedded Talent Partnerships

    There are many benefits associated with partnering with an Embedded Talent Partner:

    1. Cost-Effective Solutions: By partnering with an Embedded Talent Partner who understands your business needs and goals well enough to provide custom-tailored services based on those needs without requiring expensive overhead costs.

    2. Access To Top Talent: With access to top-tier candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities, you can fill your vacancies with the best talent available in the market.

    3. Improved Hiring Efficiency: By partnering with an Embedded Talent Partner, you can streamline your recruitment process and reduce hiring timeframes significantly. This is especially important when you need to fill critical roles quickly.

    4. Reduced Turnover Rates: With access to top-tier candidates who are a good cultural fit for your organization, you can reduce turnover rates and improve retention rates significantly.

    5. Increased Flexibility: With an Embedded Talent Partner, you have the flexibility to scale up or down as needed based on changing business needs.

    Cultural Fit is Key

    The success of embedded talent partnerships is largely dependent on a strong cultural fit between the partner and the company. It’s essential that both parties share similar values, beliefs, and goals. When there is a strong cultural alignment between the two parties, it creates a sense of unity and teamwork that leads to better results.

    Who are the largest companies in the embedded talent industry

    Largest Companies in the Embedded Talent Industry

    The embedded talent industry is a rapidly growing sector that provides businesses with talented professionals who are integrated into their organization for a specific period. This unique recruitment solution has become increasingly popular over the years, and several large companies have emerged as key players in this industry.

    Some of them include


    It's been a difficult market for embedded recruitment companies

    Embedded talent partners are two to three times the price of an internal talent partner.

    The main use case is for growth-stage companies that have recently raised large rounds and have a short-term need to hire a high volume of candidates.

    Today is not that market. Most growth-stage businesses are implementing hiring freezes or cutting their staff numbers. The demand for recruiting is lower and with that, the demand for recruitment consultancies is even more absent.

    From 2021 to the Summer of 2022, the industry enjoyed explosive growth with headcount growth of 100%.

    Since the dealmaking peak, the total headcount in this industry has dropped 40%


    All-Round Recruiting Toolset Included: Streamline Your Hiring Process

    Streamline Your Hiring Process with an All-Round Recruiting Toolset

    Recruiting the right talent is a critical aspect of any business. Finding the best candidates for open positions can be a time-consuming and challenging process, especially when you're dealing with high-volume recruitment. That's where embedded recruitment comes in.

    Embedded recruitment provides recruiters with an all-around recruiting toolset that streamlines the hiring process. This toolset includes the knowledge and domain expertise of the recruiters themselves, as well as an understanding of all the software available to make the job easier,

    Creating a Hiring Plan

    One of the most significant benefits of embedded recruitment is that it allows recruiters to create a hiring plan that aligns with their company's talent acquisition strategy and hiring needs. A well-designed hiring plan ensures that you have a clear understanding of your staffing requirements, which makes it easier to identify suitable candidates quickly.

    Building Talent Pipelines

    Another key feature of embedded recruitment is its ability to build and maintain talent pipelines. These pipelines ensure that you always have access to qualified candidates for future hiring projects. Building talent pipelines requires careful planning, but once established, they can significantly reduce your time-to-hire.

    Using the Right Tools

    Embedded recruitment relies on using the right tools and processes to streamline your hiring process effectively. These tools include applicant tracking systems (ATS), candidate relationship management (CRM) software, job boards, social media platforms like LinkedIn, as well as various assessment tools such as pre-employment tests or video interviews.

    ATS software automates many aspects of recruiting by managing job postings, resumes screening, and scheduling interviews while keeping track of communication between recruiters/hiring managers and candidates. CRM software helps build relationships with potential candidates through personalized email campaigns or targeted messaging on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

    Job boards are online marketplaces where employers post job openings while allowing job seekers to search and apply for these positions. Social media platforms like LinkedIn are also powerful tools that allow recruiters to connect with potential candidates, build relationships, and promote their employer brand.

    Assessment tools such as pre-employment tests or video interviews can help you evaluate candidates' skills, knowledge, and fit for the role. These tools can provide valuable insights into a candidate's suitability for a position while reducing time-to-hire by eliminating unsuitable candidates early in the process.

    Reducing Time-to-Hire

    One of the most significant benefits of embedded recruitment is its ability to reduce time-to-hire. By using the right tools and processes, house recruiters or talent acquisition teams can significantly shorten their hiring cycles without sacrificing quality.

    For example, ATS software automates many aspects of recruiting by managing job postings, resumes screening, and scheduling interviews while keeping track of communication between recruiters/hiring managers and candidates. This automation reduces administrative tasks' burden on recruiters/hiring managers while allowing them to focus on more strategic activities like building relationships with potential candidates.

    Improving Quality of Hires

    Embedded recruitment not only helps reduce time-to-hire but also improves the quality of hires. By using assessment tools such as pre-employment tests or video interviews, you can ensure that you're hiring candidates who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

    Moreover, building talent pipelines ensures that you always have access to qualified candidates for future hiring projects. This means that you're not just filling open positions but also investing in your company's long-term success by attracting top talent.

    What's the difference between Embedded Recruitment and RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)

    In contrast to embedded recruitment, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a complete outsourcing of the recruitment process to an external provider. This means that the RPO provider manages the entire recruitment process from sourcing candidates to onboarding them. While both models can be cost-effective, there are some key differences between embedded recruitment and RPO.

    One of the main differences between these two models is that in embedded recruitment, the recruiter works as an extension of the client's internal HR team. This means that they are fully integrated into the client's culture and processes. As a result, they have a deep understanding of what the client is looking for in terms of talent and can tailor their approach accordingly.

    On the other hand, in RPO, the provider manages all aspects of the recruitment process on behalf of their clients. This includes everything from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews and making job offers. While this model can be effective for companies with high-volume hiring needs or those looking to streamline their recruiting processes, it may not offer the same level of customization as embedded recruitment.

    Another key difference between these two models is that embedded recruitment offers more flexibility than RPO. Because recruiters working in an embedded model are fully integrated into their clients' teams, they can adapt to specific needs and requirements more easily than an external provider might be able to do.

    This flexibility also extends to pricing structures. Embedded recruiters may charge lower upfront costs because they require less infrastructure and technology investment than RPO providers do. In contrast, RPO providers may offer more scalability options due to their ability to handle larger volumes of hiring requests.

    While both models have their advantages and disadvantages depending on your company's needs, it's important to consider which one will work best for you before making a decision.

    For example, if you're looking for a highly customized approach with recruiters who understand your company culture intimately, then embedded recruitment could be a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more standardized approach that can handle high-volume hiring needs, then RPO might be the way to go.

    Ultimately, the decision between embedded recruitment and RPO will depend on your company's specific needs and goals. However, by understanding the differences between these two models, you can make an informed decision that will help you achieve your recruitment objectives in the most effective and efficient way possible.

    High-Volume Hiring Made Easy: Get Higher Quality Applicants with Embedded Recruitment

    Embedded recruitment is a powerful tool that can help streamline the hiring process for companies of all sizes. By integrating recruitment into their daily operations, companies can save time and resources while still finding the best candidates for their open positions. In this section, we will discuss how embedded recruitment can make high-volume hiring easier and more efficient, resulting in higher-quality hires.

    Set Clear Hiring Goals

    One of the key benefits of embedded recruitment is that it allows companies to set clear hiring goals. By defining what they are looking for in a candidate and outlining specific criteria, companies can attract the right people for the job. This approach ensures that everyone involved in the hiring process is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

    Attracting The Right People For The Job

    Embedded recruitment also helps to attract the right people for the job. By leveraging existing networks and channels, companies can reach out to potential candidates who may not have otherwise applied. This approach increases the pool of qualified applicants and improves the chances of finding someone who fits well with the company culture.

    Save Time And Resources

    Another significant benefit of embedded recruitment is that it saves time and resources. By integrating recruitment into existing workflows, companies don't have to spend as much time or money on recruiting efforts. Instead, they can focus on other critical tasks while still finding top talent for their open positions.

    Better Communication And Collaboration Between Departments

    Embedded recruitment also fosters better communication and collaboration between departments within a company. When everyone is on board with hiring needs and goals, there's less chance of miscommunication or confusion during the recruiting process. This approach ensures that everyone involved knows what's expected of them and works together towards achieving those goals.

    Higher Quality Hires

    Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of embedded recruitment is that it results in higher quality hires. When companies take a strategic approach to recruiting by setting clear goals, attracting qualified candidates, saving time and resources, fostering better communication, and collaboration, they are more likely to find the best person for the job. This approach results in hires that are a better fit for the company culture, have the right skills and experience, and are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

    Statistics Show That Embedded Recruitment Works

    According to a study by LinkedIn, companies that implement embedded recruitment see significant benefits in terms of quality hires and cost savings. The study found that 80% of companies surveyed who used embedded recruitment reported improved quality of hire, while 70% reported reduced cost per hire.

    Prevent Over and Under Staffing with Embedded Recruitment

    Workforce planning is a crucial aspect of any organization, as it helps to prevent over or understaffing. Overstaffing can lead to unnecessary expenses and reduced productivity, while understaffing can cause burnout and decreased employee morale. One solution to this problem is embedded recruitment, which aligns hiring needs with business goals and objectives.

    Contingent recruiting agencies can be expensive and may not always provide the right fit for your organization. This is especially true for junior and mid-level roles.

    With embedded recruitment, you have more control over the hiring process and can ensure that candidates meet your specific requirements. This approach allows you to build a team of recruiters who are dedicated to your organization's success and understand its culture.

    Short notice hiring needs can be challenging to manage. Embedded recruitment provides a solution by having a dedicated team in place to quickly fill roles as needed. This approach allows you to respond quickly to changing business needs without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

    Responsibilities of embedded recruiters go beyond just filling open positions. They also take care of candidate experience, employer branding, and ensuring a positive onboarding process for new hires. By providing a positive candidate experience, you increase the likelihood that candidates will accept job offers and remain engaged with your organization.

    In addition to their recruiting responsibilities, embedded recruiters can sometimes provide consulting work and take care of other HR-related tasks such as compliance with labour laws, managing employee benefits programs, conducting performance evaluations, etc. By taking on these additional responsibilities, they help reduce the workload of other HR staff members while ensuring that all HR-related tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.


    Onboard Your Team with Ease Using Embedded Recruitment

    Embedded recruitment is an innovative approach to talent acquisition that can help your company onboard new team members with ease. By integrating your recruitment team with your internal talent team, you can create a cohesive hiring process that benefits all teams involved. In this section, we will discuss how embedded recruitment works and the benefits it can bring to your organization.

    Partnering with an Embedded Recruitment Team

    One of the most significant advantages of embedded recruitment is having an in-house team dedicated to talent acquisition (TA). This ensures that your recruitment process aligns with your company's mission and values. Partnering with an embedded recruitment team like Acelr8 or Scede can have a significant impact on your delivery and speed up the hiring process.

    An embedded recruitment team can work closely with your existing teams to identify gaps in skills and experience. They can also help you build a diverse and inclusive team that meets your business needs. With their expertise, they can provide valuable insights into the current job market, including salary trends, candidate availability, and competitor activity.

    Streamlining Your Hiring Process

    With an embedded recruitment team, you can streamline your hiring process by reducing costs associated with external recruiters. External recruiters often charge high fees for their services, which can eat into your budget. An embedded recruitment team eliminates these costs while providing better results.

    In addition to cost savings, embedding a TA team within your organization improves the overall candidate experience. Candidates are more likely to feel valued when they are treated as individuals rather than commodities. An in-house TA team has more time to devote to each candidate and provides personalized attention throughout the hiring process.

    Identifying Skill Gaps

    Another benefit of working with an embedded recruitment team is identifying skill gaps within your organization. By working closely with other departments, they gain insight into what skills are needed for future growth opportunities within the company.

    This knowledge allows them to proactively source candidates who possess those skills before there is even a need for them. By doing so, they can reduce the time it takes to fill open positions and ensure that your organization has the talent it needs to succeed.

    Building a Diverse and Inclusive Team

    An embedded recruitment team can also help you build a diverse and inclusive team. They have access to a wider pool of candidates than external recruiters because they are more familiar with your company's culture and values. This allows them to identify candidates who not only possess the necessary skills but also fit in well with your existing team.

    Diversity is essential for any organization that wants to remain competitive in today's global marketplace. A diverse team brings different perspectives, experiences, and ideas that can lead to innovation and growth.


    Cost-Effective Solution: Onboard Additional Recruiters to Help You Scale

    Onboard Additional Recruiters to Help You Scale

    Embedded recruitment offers growth companies a cost-effective solution to scale their recruitment infrastructure without incurring additional costs. By onboarding additional recruiters, growth companies can tap into additional resources and support to help them on their growth journey.

    Outsourcing recruitment services through a trusted partner can add value to a growth company's recruitment efforts, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their business. With the ability to scale quickly and efficiently, embedded recruitment can help growth companies stay ahead of the competition while keeping costs low.

    Recruitment Infrastructure

    Recruitment infrastructure is an essential component of any growing business. It refers to the systems and processes that are put in place to attract, screen, interview, and hire new employees. As businesses grow, so does their need for more robust recruitment infrastructure. However, building out this infrastructure can be expensive and time-consuming.

    Additional Resources

    By onboarding additional recruiters through an embedded recruitment partnership, growth companies gain access to additional resources they may not have had otherwise. These resources include access to larger talent pools, specialized recruiting tools and technologies, and experienced recruiters who understand how to identify top talent quickly.


    Outsourcing recruitment services allows growth companies to focus on other areas of their business while still ensuring that they have access to top talent when they need it most. By partnering with a trusted outsourcing provider for recruiting services, businesses can take advantage of economies of scale while still receiving high-quality service from experienced recruiters.

    Growth Companies

    Growth companies face unique challenges when it comes to scaling their operations. One such challenge is finding the right people at the right time as they expand into new markets or launch new products or services. Embedded recruitment provides these businesses with a cost-effective way of scaling up their hiring efforts without taking away from other critical areas of the business.

    Growth Journey

    The journey towards sustained growth requires careful planning and execution across all aspects of a business. Recruitment is no exception. By partnering with an embedded recruitment provider, growth companies can ensure that they have the right people in place to support their growth journey and help them achieve their goals.


    Embedded recruitment provides businesses with access to experienced recruiters who can provide guidance and support throughout the hiring process. This includes everything from creating job descriptions and posting job ads to screening candidates and conducting interviews. With this support, businesses can make more informed hiring decisions that align with their overall growth strategy.


    As businesses grow, so does their need for additional resources to support that growth. Embedded recruitment provides these resources in a scalable way that allows businesses to quickly ramp up or down as needed based on their current hiring needs.


    Cost is always a concern for growing businesses. Embedded recruitment offers a cost-effective solution for scaling up recruitment efforts without incurring significant costs associated with building out internal recruiting teams or outsourcing through traditional staffing agencies.


    Partnering with an embedded recruitment provider ensures that businesses receive high-quality service from experienced recruiters who understand the unique challenges of recruiting for growing organizations. These recruiters work closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs while providing ongoing support throughout the hiring process.


    Embedded recruitment is more than just an outsourced service; it's a partnership between two organizations working towards a common goal: helping the client achieve sustained growth by attracting top talent quickly and efficiently.

    Add Value

    By partnering with an embedded recruitment provider, businesses can add value to their existing recruiting efforts by gaining access to additional resources, expertise, and support without incurring significant costs or taking away from other critical areas of the business.

    Great Candidate Experience: How Embedded Recruitment Enhances the Hiring Process

    Embedded recruitment is a powerful tool that can help organizations create a seamless recruitment process that prioritizes the candidate experience. By embedding recruitment processes within the company culture and employer brand, candidates are more likely to feel a sense of connection and alignment with the organization. This can lead to better retention rates and a stronger talent pool for future hiring needs.

    One of the key benefits of embedded recruitment is that it ensures a positive candidate experience during the interview process. This is important because candidates who have a good experience are more likely to accept job offers, refer their friends and colleagues, and speak positively about the company in public forums.

    In fact, research shows that companies with a strong employer brand and positive candidate experience receive twice as many applications per job posting than those without these attributes. Furthermore, they enjoy 50% more qualified applicants per job posting.

    Expertise in embedded recruitment allows for a more personalized approach to finding the right fit for both the candidate and the company. When recruiters take time to understand each candidate's unique skills, experiences, and career goals, they can match them with opportunities that align with their interests.

    This not only leads to better hiring outcomes but also helps build long-term relationships between candidates and employers. Candidates who feel valued by an organization are more likely to remain engaged even if they don't get hired for a particular role.

    Another benefit of embedded recruitment is that it creates a more efficient system for hiring managers. By streamlining processes such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and conducting assessments, recruiters can focus on building relationships with candidates rather than administrative tasks.

    This not only saves time but also ensures that recruiters have enough bandwidth to provide personalized attention to each candidate throughout the hiring process.

    Moreover, when recruiters work closely with hiring managers from different departments within an organization, they gain insights into what each team needs from new hires. This helps them identify candidates who will be able to make meaningful contributions from day one.

    By prioritizing the candidate experience, embedded recruitment can also help organizations build a strong employer brand. This is because candidates who have a positive experience during the hiring process are more likely to share their experiences with others.

    This can lead to increased visibility for the organization and attract more high-quality candidates in the future. Furthermore, when candidates feel valued by an organization, they are more likely to become loyal customers or advocates for the brand.

    Conclusion for Embedded Recruitment and the Benefits for Your Business

    In conclusion, embedded recruitment is a powerful tool that can help your business streamline its hiring process, prevent over and understaffing, onboard new employees with ease, and enhance the candidate experience. By partnering with an embedded recruitment company, you can access a range of benefits that will help you attract top talent and build a strong employer brand.

    One of the key advantages of embedded recruitment is its ability to provide an all-around recruiting toolset. This means that you can streamline your hiring process by accessing a range of tools and services that are designed to make it easier to find, screen, and hire top talent. With features like applicant tracking systems (ATS), job posting optimization, candidate sourcing, and more, embedded recruitment companies offer everything you need to succeed in today's competitive job market.

    Another benefit of embedded recruitment is its cost-effectiveness. By onboarding additional recruiters to help you scale your hiring efforts, you can save money on traditional recruiting methods while still attracting high-quality candidates. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses looking to grow quickly without breaking the bank.

    Furthermore, embedded recruitment offers a great candidate experience. By providing candidates with personalized attention throughout the hiring process, you can create a positive impression of your business and build a strong employer brand. This will not only help you attract top talent but also retain existing employees by creating a culture of success within your organization.

    Finally, embedded recruitment differs from traditional RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) in several ways. While RPO typically involves outsourcing all or part of the recruiting process to an external provider, embedded recruitment involves partnering with an external provider who works closely with your internal HR team to deliver customized solutions that meet your specific needs.
